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   Monday, May 05, 2003  
Hey there Sue -

Did you ever get a chance to talk to Donna about what she thought re:
agents? I'lll do a little searching myself and see what I can come
up with, but good to hear an opinion from someone in the industry. I
also need to rework my resume, but can't seem to find a copy. Did I
send one to you a while back? I hate to start completely from
scratch, but maybe distant memories of my previous employment will
serve me better these days. I wouldn't want to see what my resume
immediately post-CSFB lookeed like. Probably just go for some
temping thing, but I really want to get a feel for what is going on
out in the market. And temping is money coming in, at least.

I'm kind of cocooning the next few days to get my head around what's
happening. As Steve is pretty secure work-wise and infinitely more
social, it makes for some interesting dynamics. Never mind that I
seem to be interfering with his lovelife. Nothing quite as sexy as a
guy sleeping on the sofa when you get home. I feel like I'm
freeloading and worse, cramping Steve's style for being here. Think
it's worth a conversation.

A whole lot less adventurous than the previous months, but still
stuff I've gotta do. The photos are getting organized, etc. but I am
starting to get a little overwhelmed with what's ahead. I guess I
was ready for this, but funny when it comes. Just have to keep on
with what I need to do and keep on writing, searching, etc. It would
be better if I could get a normal night's sleep, but this is really
the downside of living at Steve's - I have no idea when the man
sleeps. After 2 months or so of this, I'll be acting like Kramer,
I'm sure of it.

As it is, I am not sleeping very well. Problems on re-entry I guess,
but something seems really flaky about having travelled for 6 months
and coming back to problems. I mean, everyone else has pretty much
stayed the course and their lives seem as normal as when I left.
People keep asking if I think I'll have trouble adjusting back to
normal NYC living and for the first time, I think I might. Funny.

And I have none of my stuff, which is a little disorienting and a
little bit liberating at the same time. I wonder if I'll want or
need much of it.

Hope all is well. Talk to you soon.


   posted by jakwon at 10:02 AM


my life, as fiction